
Certainly some of the most valuable human inventions.

clay pottery [locating; tempering ; shaping ; pit-firing v. above-ground firing v. primitivekilns; coating / glazing /water-proofing; patching ; pinch v. coil v. slab ]
clay pottery tools [ sponge ; wire ; ribbing tools ; trimming tools ; pedal potter's wheel ]
clay ecology [ lowland marsh, riverbanks , ponds ]
testing clay [can make ball , snake , loop , all w/o cracks ]
preparing clay [ drying ; pounding; removing debris ; soaking; screening ; settling ; skimming / wicking /scooping; drying ; kneading like dough for consistency ; storing]
coiled basketry [spoking; twining ; finishing; continuous v. start-stop weave ; handles]
twining basketry
pine needle basketry [ bundling ; threading ]
gourds [ growing ; curing ; cleaning ; sealing ]
primitive container types [ cookware (e.g. bowl , plate , pot , trencher ); buckets ; canteens & bladders ]
primitive container materials [ bark ; stone ; wood ; plant fiber ; horn; beak ; bone ; hide & stomach ; shell ; pods ]
sealing wood w/ wax or fat
bark containers [ peeling ; folding ; bottoms ; sewing ; top ring ; plastering ]
packframes & backpacks ; modular carrying systems [ Roycroft packframe]
sleds & travois
carts , trailers & Chinese wheelbarrows
HDPE & PETE food grade plastic containers