Health Care – First Aid & Medicine

Beyond the era of unsustainable industrial medicine & pharmaceutical antibiotics.

basic first aid [ABCDEFG - airway, breathing , circulation , disability , exposure & allergies , fractures , gashes]
intermediate first aid [ assess dangers , assess injuries ; CPR ; bleeding ; burns ; wounds ; fractures ; shock ; recovery positions ; unconsciousness ; pressure points ; infections ; incisions ; punctures ; specific body wounds e.g. eye ; Heimlich maneuver ; bandaging ; dislocations ; sprains ( muscle or tendon ) & strains ( ligament ); transportingthe injured; emergency childbirth ; stitching wounds ; nosebleeds ; sores ; indigestion ; heartburn ; skin problems ]
wilderness first aid [e.g. thorns & splinters ; poisonous plants; blisters & abrasions ; bites & stings ; hypothermia ; frostbite ; heat cramps; heat exhaustion ; heat stroke ; burns ; pain ; shock ; diarrhea ; dehydration ; intestinal parasites ; food poisoning ; rashes ; fungalinfections; altitude sickness ; snowblindness ; regional diseases ; waterborne diseases ;insectborne diseases ; intestinal worms ]
main arteries for rapid heating or cooling [ temporal ( temple ); carotid (throat); femoral (inner upper leg ); brachial (inner bicep )]
treating shock [ morale ; sense of purpose]
inter-species communicable diseases [ rabies , hanta virus , lyme disease ]
minimal first aid kit [ dehydration oral re-hydration mix ( proper ratio of sodium , glucose , potassium , chloride , citrate , zinc ), water purification tablets || wound care bandages , moleskin , butterfly sutures , alcohol swabs , medical tape, gauze roll , cottonballs, disinfecting ointment , soap , tampons || infection – hydrogen peroxide / betadine / iodine / alcohol swabs / triple antibiotic ointment || rashes & bites hydrocortisone / itchcream || anti-diarrheal antidiarrheal antacid / bismuth subsalicylate (e.g. Pepto-Bismol , for diarrhea , heartburn , nausea ); anti-diarrheal anti-laxative / loperamide (e.g.Imodium, for gastroenteritis or inflammatory bowel disease ) || anti-poison – charcoal || sprain , bruise , abscess magnesium sulfate || misc . – nitrile exam gloves , burncream, emergency hand warmer ]
minimal medical kit [ surgical basics ( sterile x-acto knife blade ; fresnel magnifyinglens; cayenne for bleeding ; dressing pads ; needle & thread ; tweezers ) || ibuprofen (e.gMotrin, Advil : NSAID for pain , fever , swelling , minor blood-thinning, arthritis ) ||acetylsalicylic acid (i.e. aspirin : swelling , pain , fever , blood-thinning, heart attack ) || paracetamol (e.g. Tylenol : fever , pain , allergies , cough , flu ) || guaifenesin (e.g.Mucinex: respiratory tract infection , cough , asthma , gout , fibromyalgia ) || antihistamine / diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl : allergies , nausea , runny nose , sneezing , itchy / watery eyes , itchy throat, insomnia , sedation ) || topical localanesthetic (e.g. Lidocaine 1%, for itching , burning , skin inflammation , dental anesthetic , local anesthetic for minor surgery ) || topical decongestant (e.g. Vicks Vaporub) || baking soda ( antifungal for athlete 's foot , ringworm , thrush, as cryptococcal meningitis )]
minimal antibiotics kit [see: natural antibiotic & antiviral alternatives (note: fishantibiotics can work safely for humans for cheaper) || amoxicillan / cephalaxin ( lungs & above: bronchitis , pneumonia , strep throat , middle ear infections ) || doxycycline ( lungs & below) || ciprofloxacin ( broad spectrum ; respiratory , urinary tract , gastrointestinal , abdominal infections , prostate infections , bronchitis , pneumonia , bacterial diarrhea ) || erythromycin (most respiratory infections & middle ear infections , syphilis , lyme disease & chlamydia ]
expanded med kit [ apple cider vinegar ; instant cold pack ; thermometer ; oral carefluid / powder ; stethoscope ]
allopathic v. folk medicine
medicinal plant actions [anodynes / analgesics ; astringents ; antispasmodics ;nervines; soporifics; alteratives; antiseptics ; antibiotics ; cardiacs ; carminatives;demulcents; diaphoretics; diuretics ; emollients ; expectorants ; emmenogogues;rubefacients; styptics; stimulants ; tonics ; vulneraries]
medicinal plant internal delivery [ eating or drinking (e.g. juice , capsule , syrup ); enema ; douche ; smoking / inhaling ; tincture plant dissolved in alcohol , drank]
medicinal plant external delivery [ poultice - macerated fresh plant applied directly|| plaster dried or powdered poultice mixed w/ carrying medium e.g. flour || decoction liquid made from hard parts , e.g. roots , seeds , bark ) || infusion liquid made fromsoft parts , e.g. flowers , leaves , soft stems || ointment / salve – oil / cream containingplant || compress soaked cloth | fomentation – topical decoction || wash – splasheddecoction, e.g. eyewash]
DIY health exams [ breast , cervix , prostate ]
food-borne illnesses [ symptoms & treatment]
triage [immediate, delayed , expectant]
natural antibiotic & antiviral alternatives [ mints ; garlic ; cloves ; Oregon grape root ; raw honey ; mullein ; myrrh ; sage ; thyme ; echinacea ]
herbal birth control [ neem oil , Queen Anne 's lace , tansy, stoneseed root , Jack in thePulpit root , thistles , smartweed leaves , rutin , ginger root , vitamin C , pennyroyal , juniperberries, myrrh , angelica ]
tissue states [ heat – e.g. minor burns , fever , bites , beginning blisters || cold – e.g.constipation, fungal infection || wind – e.g. changing hot / cold , spasm , cramp || dry –e.g. dry cough , 1st * burns , scrapes || wet – e.g. bleeding , diarrhea ]
herbal properties [mucelage – lubricating / cooling || bitters stimulating / heating || astringents drying / restricting || volatile oils – soothing / anti-inflammatory / antiseptic || resins antiseptic / antifungal ]