Communication & Signaling

Portable & primarily non-electric means, as direct & healthy as possible.

expression via body language [ posture ( head position , arms crossed or not, mirroring someone or not); gesture ( nervous or controlled ); facial expressions ; breathing ]
subconscious eye movements [from individual 's own field of vision – looking right( guessing , fabricating ); looking left (remembering); looking right up ( visual imagining , fabricating ); looking right sideways ( imagining sounds ); looking right down (accessingfeelings); looking left up ( recalling images , truth ); looking left sideways (rememberingsounds); looking left down (self-talking, rationalizing ); direct eye contact whenspeaking ( honesty , faked honesty ); direct eye contact when listening ( attentiveness ,interest, attraction ); widening eyes (interest, appeal, invitation ); eye rubbing (disbelief,upset, tiredness ); eye shrug ( frustration ); pupil dilation ( attraction , desire ); blinkingfrequently ( excitement , pressure ); eyebrow raising (recognition, curiosity , fear , shock ); winking ( intimate acknowledgement, complicity )
expression via verbal cues [ tone ; pitch ; volume ; pacing ; pauses ; variation ; phrasing ;gasps; sighs ; hearing the unmentioned]
expression via distance cues [ specific cultural cues for intimate distance , personaldistance, social distance , public distance ]
non-violent communication concepts [ expressing observation v. evaluation ; expressing emotions & sensations w/o narrative ; expressing met & unmet needs;requesting action ]
non-violent communication modes [self-empathy; receiving empathically;truthspeaking]
checking in [ feelings ; wellness ; activities ]
double I statements ["I feel ____", "when you____", "because of my need for____”,“I’d appreciate if you would____"]
consent culture [asking before acting , all parties give explicit, informed approval &have viable alternatives ; understanding altered states]
languages of love [ affirmation ; quality time; gifts ; acts of service ; physical touch ]
fire signaling basics [gray-by-day; light-in-night]
alternative signals [ reflectors ; flags ; lanterns]
earthen signaling devices [ bull-roarer ; conch shell ; willow whistle ]
radio types [ GMRS ; FRS ; CB ; ham ]
ink , quills & woven paper [ making ]
charcoal & bark writing
ciphering & one-time pads
recognized distress signals [ triangles ]