
Fear not the wild child. A list of nomadic foraging cultures' common best practices.

attachment parenting & continuum concept [evolutionary needs; maternaldeprivation causes lifelong personality disorders ]
prenatal care [ omega-3 fatty acids ; folic acid ; iron & calcium ]
breastfeeding [ideally 2-5 years, on cue of infant ]
general practices [ constant positive touch in the early years ( carrying , cuddling , holding , co-sleeping ); immediately comfort crying ; multiple adult caregivers / communalchildrearing; multi-age playgroups ]
swaddling a baby [burrito wrap ; Mother Teresa wrap )
anti-authoritarian childrearing ethic [ non-violent (no physical threats, intimidation , spanking , hitting ); no time-outs (no simulated abandonment ); avoiding yelling ; do notgive commands ; allow for non-coercive child-child peer sex play ]
alternatives to punishment [look for underlying needs; give information & reasons ;look for underlying feelings ; change the context ; find acceptable alternatives ; demonstrate desirable behavior ; give choices rather than commands ; make smallconcessions; provide for a preparation period before special settings ; let naturalconsequences occur (when appropriate); communicate your own feelings ; use actionswhen necessary; hold your child in a loving & supportive way; remove your child fromthe situation & stay w/ them; do it together & be playful ; defuse the situation w/ laughter ;make a deal & negotiate ; do mutual conflict-resolution; revise your expectations ; take aparental time-out ; create a compelling positive * image * of change ]
child learning process [ autonomy ; constant , self-invented play ; learning-through-living; self-determined mimicry ; curiosity -> observation -> mimicry ]
appropriate affirmation v. codependency & victimization-enabling [recognizing-success-with-a-smile v. constantly giving compliments; responding to accidents , failure& trauma in empowering ways ]