Horticulture & Food Foresting

Regenerative, perennial polyculture gardens. Synergistic, closed-loop cultivation of (mainly native) plants & animals for food, using bio-mimicry, & allowing for ecological succession. Avoid cages, plows, & external inputs (e.g. electricity, plastics, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics). Edible landscapes that restore native habitat while providing for human needs. No GM!

ecology [ niche ; succession ; biodiversity ; sustainability; ecotones ; synergy ; cycles ; annual v. perennial ; native v. invasive ; pollination ; nutrient exchange ; humus ; microclimate ]
climate zones [ polar ; tundra ; northern coniferous forest ; deciduous forest ; temperategrassland; mediterranean ; tropical forest ; savannah ; desert; sea]
general gardening [ digging ; planting ; hardiness zones ; watering ; seed collecting ; weather ; sun & shade ; harvesting ; nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium; recording]
composting & mulching [sources; nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium; sheet mulching; vermicomposting ; active v. passive composting ; solar composting ; biothermal heating ; manure ; humanure ; urine ; biochar ; bokashi composting ; hugelkultur; compost tea ]
ecological design process [ observation ; visioning; planning ; development ;implementation]
garden plant functions [mulch-makers; nutrient-accumulators; nitrogen-fixers; soil-fumigants / pest-repellents; insectaries; fortress-plants; spike roots ; wildlife nurturers;shelterbelters; nurse ; chaperone; scaffold ]
garden plant profiles
DIY soil tests [ finger test for sand-clay-silt; mason jar test ]
permaculture-specific techniques [5 zones ; keyhole beds ; mandala gardens ; herbspirals; net-and-pan; organic water conservation ; contouring / swales ; companionplanting; stacking ; edge effects ; multiplicity ; backyard wetlands ; natural " pest control "; spacing ; beneficial bugs , birds & mammals ; interplanting; creating guilds ; habitatmimicry]
arboriculture & food foresting [ digging ; spacing ; coppicing ; plucking ; pruning ; pollarding ; grafting ; horseshoe forest gardens ; seven-story gardens ]
grow biointensive [ hexagonal planting ; double-dug raised beds ; carbon farming ; calorie farming ; open pollination ; companion planting ; integrated pest control ]
Fukuoka 's method [seedballs; bio-mimicry; design for bodies not machines ]
vertical gardening [ trellis ; fence ; cage ; wall ; pergola ; tipi ; hanger; barrel ;shadehouse; upside-down garden; bucket ; tower ]
square-foot gardening [ location ; spacing 1x1 v. 4x4 beds ; raised beds ; staggeredharvests; 1/2 v. 1 foot depth; boxes ; aisles ; grids ; seed saving ; tabletop gardens ;obtaining wood ; pinch-seeding; snipping; attaching carry-poles; lazy soil improvement ; potted gardens ; sun orientation ; back-end trellises ; wood ash ; tallboxes; caging; covering ; frames ; tying ; gated composters; sprouting ; transplanting ; seed storage; roottrimming; harvesting ; watering ; extending seasons ; tire gardens ; earth-boxes]
Gardening When It Counts [ mounds ]
extending seasons [bioshelters; low tunnels ; cold frames ]
dryland gardening techniques [ mulch ; deep roots ; water retention w/ stones ; terraces ; swales ; berms ; hugelkultur; ollas ; drip irrigation w/ buckets ; rainwaterharvesting; greywater ; chinampas ; imprinting ; sponge ladders ]
gardening tools [ trowel ; hoe ; spade; machete ]
plant nutrient deficiency indicators [ calcium – new leaves misshapen or stunted || iron – young leaves yellow / white w/ green veins || nitrogen upper leaves light green ,lower leaves yellow , bottom leaves yellow & shriveled || potassium yellowing at tips & edges , esp . in young leaves ; dead , yellow patches , or spots on leaves || carbondioxide – white deposit ; stunted growth ; plant die back || manganese yellow spots &/or elongated holes between veins || phosphate leaves darker than normal ; loss ofleaves || magnesium – lower leaves turn yellow from inward; veins remain green ]
resources [101 permaculture designs downloadable imgur ]
plant foods to regrow from scraps [ celery / romaine lettuce / bok choy / cabbage ; sweet potato ; potato / ginger root ; green onions / onions / leeks / fennel / garlic clove ; pumpkin seeds ; tomato ; lentil sprouts ; apple seeds ; lemongrass ; basil; carrot tops ]
phytoremediation [ hyperaccumulators for various heavy metals , pesticides , solvents , explosives , petrochemicals , e.g. Thlaspi genus , mustards , alpine pennycress, hemp , pigweed , sunflower , Chinese brake fern, willow, ragweed , hemp dogbane , poplar ]
traditional native horiticultural practices [ rest periods for land ; burning toencourage grasses for game animals to eat ; burning to smoke , stun , or scare gameanimals; burning to clear & open woodlands ; burning to promote greens & grasses forfood; burning to add nutrients to soil ; slight water diversion to plant stands; pruning & coppicing ; sowing seeds in burnt areas ; stick-digging; transplanting ; replanting bulbs , corms , rhizomes , taproots , & tubers too small for food ; weeding ; thinning to aid shade-intolerant species ; cultivating forbs , sedges , grasses , & tules for basketry ; cultvatingshrubs & trees for arrows & weirs ; encouraging young growths for trap parts , cordage ,rabbit sticks , digging sticks ]
ecological restoration knowledge sources [ ethnographies & ethnobiologies;historical surveys ; elders ' memories ; present-day remnant vegetation ]
ecological restoration methodologies [understanding species ' requirements; assessing former ecological importance of species ; reintroducing species ; reconstructing & reintroducing traditional foraging & harvesting strategies ; reconstructing & reintroducing disturbance regimes ; restoration & conservation oftraditional indigenous cultures ]