
Humans' superpower. Must go hand-in-hand w/ reforestation.

fire physics [ heat rises ; heat , oxygen , fuel ]
wood categories [ green ; squaw ; punk ]
firewood categories [ tinder ; fatwood; kindling ; hardwood fuel ]
fire safety [ distance ; water / dirt ; fire ladder ; flammables; “small fire burns clothing , big fire dries clothing ”]
firewood foraging [ wood identification ; breaking on rocks ; breaking between poles ; cracking test ; resinous woods for certain purposes; break away from people]
fire construction [ tinder bundle ; kindling pile ; reflectors ; fire lay / platform ]
fires for smoking [ snake hole fire ; tipi fire ; use green & wet woods ]
fires for drying [ temple fire ]
fires for cooking [ keyhole fire ; Dakota fire hole ]
fires for roasting [ trench fire ]
fires for boiling [Schwedenfackel]
fires for lasting heat [rakovalkea; upside-down (self-feeding); 3 logs ; cabin ]
fires for all-night burn [upside-down, stack wood perpendicular , pack gaps w/ dirt ]
minimalist fires [ scout fire ]
fire-summoning [ bow drill ; hand drill ; pump drill ; fire piston; fire plow ; fire saw; flint & steel / marcasite ; magnesium & ferrocerium ; lighter ; reflectors & magnifiers ; aluminumcan abrasive / polish ; battery fire ; fire from ice ; fire from water ]
bow drill & hand drill tips [keep spindle bottom rough ; flare fireboard base ; usehand straps for hand drill ]
firesteel method [ hold steel , draw firesteel back from it, strike 90* angle ]
fire tools [ quartz drills ; axe ; hearth ; spindle ; socket ; tongs ; wedge ; bellows; fire rake]
flammable refuse [e.g. lint]
mitigating wind & wetness
fire-tending [keep wood stashes nearby of each type ; wait til flame passes fuel toadd more; keep it breathable ; dry out surplus fuel safely for next fire ]
putting out fires [“ break it, drown it, stir it”]
fire-storing [ tinder fungus ; coals ; hot rocks ]
DIY tinder : char cloth [ making ]
friction fire tinder traits [ high surface area ; dry ; catches spark easily like bird nest ]
tinder bundle process [ bundle bark , shred out outer bark , shred out fine fibers , placefine fibers pile in bundle to catch spark ; keep tinder in shirt pocket to draw]
friction fire preferred tinders [ red cedar bark , white cedar bark , inner chestnut bark , cottonwood bark , inner red elm bark , rotten pine wood , tree moss, shredded dry grass , cattail fluff , dry pine needles , rotten buckeye , dry white punk from rotten hollow trees , white alder , shredded cottonwood root , dried & powdered leaves of CA black oak, oakgalls, bird & mice nests , crushed spruce needles , beaten rope , milkweed silk in redcedar bark best]
friction fire spindle traits [ dead or nascent growth; finger-width; unpolished]
friction fire preferred hand drills woods [ yarrow , horseweed , box elder , CAbuckeye, seep willow, blue elderberry, coast redwood , cattail , big-leaf maple , mugwort , bull thistle , scotch broom , douglas fir , CA figwort , sow thistle , fleabane daisy , CA baylaurel, common mullein , garden sunflower , hairy honeysuckle , willow, coast goldenrod , American dogwood , thimbleberry , milk thistle , wild grape , white alder , CA sagebrush , chaparral virgin 's bower , red-osier dogwood , quaking aspen , black cottonwood ,mountain red elderberry , white alder , great basin sagebrush , coyote brush , rabbit brush ,grey pine , manzanita , desert almond, juniper ]
friction fire preferred bow drill woods [blue elderberry, CA buckeye , coast redwood ,douglas fir , clematis , big-leaf maple , hairy honeysuckle , western red cedar , horseweed , monterey pine , wild grape , wood rose, acacia , pear , box elder , eucalyptus , wild cherry , apple , canyon gooseberry , english ivy , cherry plum , willow, Santa Cruz cypress, thimbleberry , CA bay laurel , scotch broom , CA sagebrush , American dogwood , Pacificrhododendron, tree lupine , western burning bush , white alder ]
friction fire fireboard traits [nail test for medium softness ; finger width]
friction fire preferred fireboards [ western red cedar , quaking aspen , blackcottonwood, California incense cedar , California buckeye , mule fat , redwood root , boxelder ]