The people within the business own the machinery and land. They rent to the producers. The producers pay an equal share to buy materials The producers rent machinery and land for a period of time. costtorent(machinery) + costtorent(land) + costof(materials) + costof(delivery) + costof(advertising) + costof(labor) = profit profit - costof(labor) = costtorent(machinery) + costtorent(land) + costof(materials) + costof(delivery) + costof(advertising) if (profit - costof(labor) > costtorent(machinery) + costtorent(land) + costof(materials) + costof(delivery) + costof(advertising)) { printf("Union should demand pay rise\n"); } else { printf("Union should not demand pay rise\n"); } ALSO if(result > costtorent(machinery) + costtorent(land) + costof(materials) + costof(delivery) + costof(advertising) + costof(labor)) { printf("Business is probably profitable"); } else { printf("Business is not profitable"); }