1.1 Heat silica sand (Silica) and carbon to produce silicon carbide. 1.2 Keep heating to produce graphite. 2.1 Make potash by putting plant ash into a pot in water. 3.1 Potassium Nitrate production: Urine is collected directly, in a sandpit under a stable. The sand itself is dug out and leached for nitrates which were then converted to potassium nitrate via potash, as above. 4.1 Take Sulphur and Potassium Nitrate, heat until you get Sulfur trioxide. 4.2 Mix with water to get Sulphuric Acid 4.3 Place Potassium Nitrate in Sulphuric acid to get Potassium Bisulphate and Nitric Acid. 5.1 Add Potassium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, and Graphite together and you get Graphite Oxide. 6.1 Fire a ~40mW infared laser at a Graphite Oxide coated surface, and you get a graphene layer.