"Info" To access an inbox say 'Access Inbox' with your inbox ID. For example 'Access Inbox AAA' To send a message to an inbox, say 'Message' with the inbox ID you wish to message. For example 'Message AAA' To make a public inbox, say 'New Inbox'. "New inbox" Your new Inbox ID will be 1233532, to confirm, say 'confirm'. "Confirm" Thank you, your new inbox 123352 has been created. (Other or timeout) Sorry, your inbox was not created, goodbye. "Access Inbox " You wish to access inbox , is this correct? "Yes" There are amount of recorded messages. To get a message, say "Listen ". "Listen" Message , ID: 'This is a message for bob saying hello.' "No" (Or other) To access an inbox say 'Access Inbox' with your inbox ID. For example 'Access Inbox AAA' "Message " You wish to Message inbox , is this correct? "Yes" Creating new message for . Recordings will automatically be terminated after 5 minutes. Messages will automatically be deleted after 3 days. To start recording say 'start', to stop recording say 'The END'. Repeating the message with message id: . Thank you for your time, goodbye. "No" (or other) To send a message to an inbox, say 'Message' with the inbox ID you wish to message. For example 'Message AAA'